thankthatstar wrote in
Oct 03, 2009 21:28
holy shizz tay: your face,
face: relaxed,
celebrate good times: come on,
um he's on a bed...,
holy shizz tay: your arms,
we love chris weitz,
justine's heart just stopped,
things we ♥: the camo blanket,
face: baby face,
hair: a la jacob black,
hair: perfection,
taylor: is so endearing,
face: sleepy,
location: the black residence,
action: being adorable of course,
hair: bedhead,
blakeleigh: will freak out with squees,
face: so freaking cute like that,
clothes: sleeveless shirt,
clothes: a la jacob black,
taylor: is sleeeeeping,
era: new moon,
action: sleeping,
things we ♥: sleepy!taycob,
cibele: can't breathe